Scout Merit Badge Information
See your Handbook for the merit badges required for rank advancement.
Steps to Earn a Merit Badge
- Find a badge that interests you.
- Get a blue card from the Troop's Advancement Coordinator.
- Write your name and the merit badge on the blue card. Ask the Scoutmaster to sign your blue card before you talk to a counselor.
- Contact a counselor for your merit badge and ask them to work with you. You must have a buddy at every meeting.
- Read the merit badge pamphlet.
- Show your work (see note below) to your counselor and get all requirements signed off.
- Turn in your blue card to the Troop's Advancement Coordinator.
You are to do the requirements by yourself with guidance from your counselor. "The secret to successfully earning a merit badge is for you to use both the pamphlet and the suggestions of your counselor." (BSA merit badge pamphlet inside cover).
If you attend Merit Badge College, Summer Camp, or Winter Camp, the process described above may vary slightly.
Additional Tips
- The BSA strongly recommends that you read the pamphlet for your merit badge. It is written for a Scout's level of learning and has the information you need to complete the requirements.
- If the Scoutmaster is not available, you may ask an Asst. Scoutmaster to sign your blue card.
- Merit badges can only be signed off by a counselor who is registered for that badge. Our troop has counselors for many of the merit badges. You may also find a counselor for your merit badge in the district directory.
- Ask our troop Librarian about checking out a merit badge pamphlet, or buy it at a Scout Shop.